Berthold Langguth (Germany)

Michael Landgrebe (Germany)

Hannah Frick (Austria)
Daniela Krainer (Austria)
Johannes Oberzaucher (Austria)
Stefan Reich (Austria)
Christian Stingl (Austria)
Antti Aarnisalo (Finland)
Uli Frick (Germany)
Michael Koller (Germany)
Astrid Lehner (Germany)
Birgit Mazurek (Germany)
Rüdiger Pryss (Germany)
Manfred Reichert (Germany)
Martin Schecklmann (Germany)
Winfried Schlee (Germany)
Susanne Staudinger (Germany)
Agnieszka Szczepek (Germany)
Florian Zeman (Germany)
Thanos Bibas (Greece)
Kneginja Richter (Macedonia)
Elouise Koops (Netherlands)
Jan Bulla (Norway)
Antonio Lopez-Escamez (Spain)
Jaime Serquera (Spain)
Christopher Cederroth (Sweden)
Patrick Neff (Switzerland)
Tobias Kleinjung (Switzerland)
Jamie Ward (United Kingdom)
Lorents Peter Aarsnes (Norway)
Josef Poeppel (Germany)
Carlos Trenado (Germany)
Eleni Vlahou (Slovakia)
Myra Spiliopoulou (Germany)
Thomas Probst (Germany)
Tommy Hielscher (Germany)
Uli Niemann (Germany)
Bernhard Miller (Germany)
Johannes Schobel (Germany)
Michael Stach (Germany)
Ulrich Ebner-Priemer (Germany)
Jens-Christian Hauk Eriksson (Norway)
Phillipe Delespaul (Netherlands)
Vasco de Oliveira (Portugal)
Franziska Schierlinger (Germany)

TINNET is a European research network funded from April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2018 by the COST program under the Action number BM1306.

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