Within this section we will present the results that have been acquired by the different working groups during the COST-TINNET-Action concerning different aspects of Tinnitus Research and Treatment.


TINNET Resting-State-Questionnaire
Resting State recordings are used across all neuroimaging methods in tinnitus research. During the resting state recordings, patients are usually asked "to do nothing" and not to deliberately engage in thoughts about their tinnitus. The thoughts of the participants during the experiment are certainly not under the control of the researcher - but they can have an impact on the brain recordings. The TINNET neuroimaging workggroup therefore decided to design a "TINNET resting-state-questionnaire" to assess the thoughts of the tinnitus patients during the recordings:
download TRSQ


TINNET Recommendations for standardised outcomes in clinical trials of tinnitus
download recommendations

TINNET Recommendations for designing and reporting trials of clinical efficiacy
download recommendations

Standardization of M/EEG procedures in Tinnitus Research

download recommendations of M/EEG procedure standards

Clinical Guidelines for Tinnitus

Within the Frontiers Research Topic Towards an Understanding of Tinnitus Heterogeneity TINNET members published a systematic review of existing clinical guidelines:
Different Teams, same conclusions? A systematic review of existing clinical guidelines for the Assessment and Treatment of Tinnitus in Adults


TINNET is a European research network funded from April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2018 by the COST program under the Action number BM1306.

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