Deborah Hall3Prof. Deborah Hall, chair of Working Group 5, has been invited to give a podium presentation at the prestigious Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeing in San Diego, USA, February 2018 (41st Annual MidWinter Meeting).

She will presenting findings from the working group's COMIT'ID study, an innovative study to reach an international consensus on core outcome domains for early-phase clinical trials of sound-, psychology-, and pharmacology-based interventions to manage chronic subjecitve tinnitus in adults. This in an ambitious programme of work to improve the quality of future clinical trials so that findings can be compared across different treatments.

Deb publishes a related article last month: Designing Clinical Trials for Assessing the Effectiveness of Interventions for Tinnitus

TINNET is a European research network funded from April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2018 by the COST program under the Action number BM1306.

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